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Interesting Quote:

"Behold the turtle who sticks out his neck ..."

--- unknown ---

Found this quote on a website, can't remember where but thanks for the quote ... who would have thought of it!

"Live life as it should be,
See with the eyes of a child,
Hear every beat of life ,
Feel from deep within the heart
And smell the breath of love and life every second of the day."

no entry for Sunday, August 26August 25no entry for Friday, August 24August 23August 22August 21

Date: August 20th, 2001

Today is my off day. I'll be having 4 of them but starting next week I'll be having 3 instead. It's okay since I work only 4 days a week, 10 hours a day.

So what did I do today? Well, I sent my car off for its 3rd servicing and the person at the counter told me I could only get it tonight or tomorrow morning since I had complained about the mouse squeaking in my car whenever I went over a bump while driving above 100km/hr. So now I am without my car. *sigh*

Been cleaning up my in-box and found a joke I like because it really is funny, entitled "Engineering Hell". If you like jokes, well, pay a visit to Jokes2000.com. What I really don't like are the blonde jokes.

Nowadays, I don't go out much and sometimes I think of old friends. One of them is Siew Yee. She isn't in Malaysia anymore. The US is where she is now. Hers is a tale of doing what she wants for herself and love. Who can say whether her choice is right or wrong? Read about it in "Her Choice".

By the way, have you heard the story of "The Naked Truth"? Tong Mui sent it to me and I find it kind of interesting, maybe you will be, too.