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"We die ourselves a little everytime we kill in others something that deserved to live."

- Oscar Hammling -

"Live life as it should be,
See with the eyes of a child,
Hear every beat of life ,
Feel from deep within the heart
And smell the breath of love and life every second of the day."

September 19thno entry for September 22ndno entry for September 21stno entry for September 20thno entry for September 23rdno entry for Monday, September 17th

Date: September 18th, 2001

Life is precious,
Value it.
Cradle it in your arms,
Nurture it.
Revel in its being ...
Once gone,
You cease to be.

There are people who don't value life. They destroy it at their own whims and fancies. Then there are people who go about life existing but not living. What is the difference?

A child is innocent, void of evil thoughts. Words from a child's mouth is the truth. But adults taint the innocence of the child. We should preserve that innocence, open their minds to the wonders of life, teaching them without bias.

But we are no saints and cannot hide our flaws. Unknowingly, children watch what we do in our weakest moments and they learn. And it is always easy to pick up bad habits.

Being aware of the possibilities and dealing with it in the right way is the best way to counter unforseen problems. That's part of being parents.

Sadly, there are parents who live in self-denial, refusing to believe and to see. Ignorance is bliss but it could kill. We need to see the hurt in others and to acknowledge our weakness so we may all heal together.

As I told my eldest nephew, "Nothing will change, everything is as it is. Only you can change and when you do, there will be a chain reaction and things will start to change." And I hope with that, it would be able to help him overcome his problems.


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