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"Hope is itself a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords."

-- Samuel Johnson --

"Live life as it should be,
See with the eyes of a child,
Hear every beat of life ,
Feel from deep within the heart
And smell the breath of love and life every second of the day."


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Date: October 2nd, 2001

I've been listening to a song I downloaded from Anderson's server entitled "What about love" by Heart. The music is nice and the lyrics interesting. I remember bits and pieces of it. Usually I go for the lyrics but Anderson for the music.

There was a poem that I wrote some time ago when I felt that our relationship was going nowhere and I thought that it was time for us to part. But somehow we didn't. We talked it over and that was one of the strengths of our relationship, being able to talk things over without sweeping them under the rug and hoping things would tide over. I have since changed the title to "Would the time come?".

Some would say that I should just get rid of it but I feel it is a part of my growing up, a remembrance of that point in time.

At one point in life, in no matter what instances, we would have to know when to let go but until then, if there is hope and trust, we should try.


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