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"Politeness costs little and yields much."

-- Mme. De Lambert --

Do not wait for an excuse to be polite and do not find a reason not to be polite ...

"Live life as it should be,
See with the eyes of a child,
Hear every beat of life ,
Feel from deep within the heart
And smell the breath of love and life every second of the day."

no entry for Sunday, August 26August 25no entry for Friday, August 24August 22August 21August 20

Date: August 23rd, 2001

Well, time to go back to work tomorrow. 4 days passed so fast.

I was very sad last night because of high expectations. Sometimes we expect too much of others, their time, their attention when they have their own obligations to fulfil and things to do. I just have to know where the limit is.

As I promised yesterday, I have some pictures of Malacca, my home state. Visit Malacca, where it all began ....

Every weekday at 7pm, I would catch the chinese serial over TV2, The Romance of the White-Haired Maiden. I usually don't but somehow I got caught by this one. I would tell Anderson everything about it and he would be very suspicious because he thinks everything I say is a propaganda.

Hmmm .... okay ... oops! before I forget, read the article "Friendship", a funny, thought provoking forward I received from my friend and ex-colleague, Suja.