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"Politeness costs little and yields much."

-- Mme. De Lambert --

Do not wait for an excuse to be polite and do not find a reason not to be polite ...

"Live life as it should be,
See with the eyes of a child,
Hear every beat of life ,
Feel from deep within the heart
And smell the breath of love and life every second of the day."

no entry for Sunday, August 26no entry for Friday, August 24August 23August 22August 21August 20

Date: August 25th, 2001

Today, the Production Manager called me into his office and asked me, "How are you? Are you happy?"

He asked me that question because if I found the work not satisfying, then I would be looking outside. True, what I was doing now was purely coordinating and administration, which he was was only a fraction of what I was supposed to do.Completing a production status form took me more than an hour. To top that I reprinted it at least 3 times.

He told me, my other colleague did the same too but she kept going in and out of his room handing him the form which she kept updating a few times.

Funny, filling in a form can be so defeating.

So what do I have today for you? Oh yes, a poem I wrote entitled, "My Fear". It's about fear of growing old. I'm sure many people have this fear too.

Hmmm .... do know that I live in a house with three guys? Well, it's actually two guys, one shifted out. It's quite nice living with guys.